Faculty Directory

Photo of Chadi El Mohtar

Chadi El Mohtar


Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Office Location: ECJ 9.227K

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials

Transportation and Infrastructure

Research Interests

Pore fluid engineering; non-aqueous flow through porous media; earthquake engineering; liquefaction; fatigue life and behavior of asphalt concrete

Photo of Janet Ellzey

Janet Ellzey


Mechanical Engineering

Office Location: IO1 2.200C, ETC 7.148B

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Manufacturing and Materials

Research Interests

Combustion in porous media; low-emission burners; fuel reformers, biomass combustion

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Mattan Erez


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 5.872

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Computational Engineering/Science

Research Interests

Computer architecture; high-performance computing; programming languages and models

Photo of Nicolás Espinoza

Nicolás Espinoza

Associate Professor

Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering

Office Location: CPE 3.118A, CPE 2.502

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Areas of Impact

Energy and Environment

Research Interests

Mechanics and physics of natural porous solids, methane recovery from microporous organic rocks, methane hydrate-bearing sediments and geological carbon sequestration

Photo of Brian Evans

Brian Evans


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: EER 6.882

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Areas of Impact

Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering

Wireless and Network Science

Research Interests

Digital signal processing; image processing; communication systems; electronic design automation

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Ofodike Ezekoye


Mechanical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Office Location: ETC 7.130

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Areas of Impact

Computational Engineering/Science

Energy and Environment

Manufacturing and Materials


Research Interests

Jet flames; aerosols; fire dynamics; flame ignition