Faculty Directory
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

Matthew Bartos
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.610
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Developing the next generation of smart urban water systems, including real-time flood monitoring and stormwater control; algorithms for data assimilation, event detection and sensor/controller placement

Oguzhan Bayrak
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-232-7826, 512-232-6409
Office Location: ECJ 4.720
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Areas of Impact
Research Interests
Behavior, analysis. and design of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures; Bridge engineering; Evaluation of structures in distress; Use of fiber reinforced polymers for structural repair

Amit Bhasin
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.108
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Material science aspects and mechanistic modeling of distresses in pavement materials (fatigue cracking, moisture damage); self healing properties of bituminous materials; structure-property relationships in composite materials; surface properties and interfacial adhesion of materials; development of test methods to characterize properties and performance of pavement materials

Chandra Bhat
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.810
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Areas of Impact
Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Activity and travel behavior analysis; travel demand modeling; application of econometric, discrete choice and market research techniques in transportation planning; logistics and freight modeling; transportation energy and transportation air quality analysis; urban form and spatial data modeling

Stephen Boyles
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.204
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Network modeling; traffic assignment; transportation user behavior; infrastructure systems

Carlos Caldas
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.210
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Information technologies for project management; life-cycle information integration; project data analysis; construction knowledge discovery and dissemination; product and process modeling; project control systems; field management technologies; communication, collaboration and coordination technologies

Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Environmental and energy justice, sustainable transportation, renewable energy technology manufacturing and deployment, and energy systems modeling

Christian Claudel
Associate Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.208
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Control and estimation of distributed parameter systems; transportation systems; wireless sensor networks; unmanned aerial vehicles

Tyler Dick
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.902
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Railway mainline, yard and terminal capacity, design and interaction; railroad network operations and performance resiliency; operations potential of advanced railway traffic control systems with virtual and moving blocks; railway energy efficiency and alternative energy locomotives; technology-assisted train operations and self-propelled autonomous railcars; predictive analytics for operations and maintenance planning; safety of rail operations and hazardous materials transportation.

Berkin Dortdivanlioglu
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.730
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Areas of Impact

Chadi El Mohtar
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227K
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Pore fluid engineering; non-aqueous flow through porous media; earthquake engineering; liquefaction; fatigue life and behavior of asphalt concrete

Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Infrastructure management and decision making; infrastructure interdependencies; intersection of engineering and policy; public involvement in infrastructure decisions; coupled human infrastructure interdependencies; impact of urban decline on infrastructure systems

Anca Ferche
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.706
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Analysis and performance assessment of concrete structures, structural implications of deterioration mechanisms, development of constitutive models for evolving concrete and reinforcement materials, and sustainability of concrete structures

Raissa Ferron
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.704
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Rheology; characterization of fresh concrete micro-and nano-structure; cement chemistry and aggregation mechanisms; self-consolidating concrete; affordable sustainable housing materials

Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Next-generation HVAC and thermal systems; Energy efficient air dehumidification (selective membranes, desiccants, and other sorbents); Atmospheric water harvesting systems and materials; Membrane gas separations; Thermal energy storage

Kevin Folliard
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-232-3591, 512-232-7820
Office Location: ECJ 4.716, PRC 18B
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Areas of Impact
Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering
Research Interests
Portland cement concrete; concrete durability; high-performance concrete; controlled low-strength materials

Xavier Fonoll Almansa
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: 9.102D
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Resource recovery from wastes; microbial community engineering; decentralized sanitation

Courtney Gardner
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.102E
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Areas of Impact
Bioengineering and Health
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Environmental biotechnology and microbiology; microbiome engineering; environmental fate of chemical and biological pollutants; stormwater quality; wildfire microbiology and ecosystem recovery

Robert Gilbert
Department Chair and Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227H
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Performance reliability and risk management for slopes, dams, levees, foundations, waste containment and site remediation

Zhaomiao Guo
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.104
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Applied mathematics and computation focusing on transportation and energy systems modeling and optimization; Sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems, transportation electrification, smart mobility, multi-modal transportation systems, energy and transportation systems interdependence, shared mobility, freight systems

Todd Helwig
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-232-2239, 512-475-8195
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Design and behavior of steel structures

Ben Hodges
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-471-4730, 512-471-1807
Office Location: ECJ 9.102G
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Hydrodynamics; transport and water quality issues in lakes, rivers and estuaries

Blair Johnson
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
(512) 232-1863
Office Location: ECJ 8.214
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Environmental fluid mechanics; turbulence; sediment transport and mixing processes; experimental methods

Maria Juenger
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-232-3593, 512-471-7751
Office Location: ECJ 4.736
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Hydration chemistry and microstructural characterization of portland cement and related materials; mechanisms of chemical deterioration in concrete; concrete durability; reducing the environmental impact of concrete production

Loukas Kallivokas
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.734
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Research Interests
Computational mechanics; inverse problems in engineering; wave propagation and structural dynamics; earthquake engineering; numerical methods; large-scale computational modeling

Lynn Katz
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.102H
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Contaminant fate and transport; combined abiotic and biotic treatment systems for in-situ remediation; environmental surface chemistry

Spyros Kinnas
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-475-7969, 512-232-1887
Office Location: ECJ 8.610
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Ocean engineering; hydrodynamics; cavitation; wave mechanics; computational fluid dynamics (CFD); design of ocean vehicle control and propulsion systems; tidal turbines

Kerry Kinney
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.102A
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Beneficial application of microorganisms to the treatment of pollutants in the environment; algae-to-biofuel production processes; potentially detrimental microbial communities that develop in indoor environments

Mary Kirisits
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.216
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Biological drinking water treatment processes; microbial transformation of inorganic contaminants; application of molecular biology to biological water treatment processes; rainwater harvesting; impacts of nanomaterials on microorganisms in engineered water treatment systems; biofilms; quorum sensing in pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms; microbial community structure of pediatric otitis media

Kara Kockelman
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-471-0210, 512-471-4379
Office Location: ECJ 6.904
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Travel behavior modeling; Transport data analysis; Transport economics and energy policy; Roadway safety; The connection between urban form and transportation

Krishna Kumar
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227B
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Multi-scale modeling of natural hazards, landslides, earthquakes, debris flows, material point method, discrete element and lattice Boltzmann, high-performance computing in geomechanics; large-scale big data frameworks for modeling infrastructure systems

Manish Kumar
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.212
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Areas of Impact
Bioengineering and Health
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Membrane processes and bio-inspired membranes for wastewater treatment and water reuse

Jun-Whan (Michael) Lee
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.722
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Coastal engineering; coastal hazard forecasting and assessment; disaster resilience and risk management; flood mitigation using nature-based solutions; sea level rise vulnerability; ocean resource management

Fernanda Leite
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.302
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Areas of Impact
Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering
Autonomy and Robotics
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Information technology for project management; building information modeling; life-cycle information integration; collaboration and coordination technologies; information technology-supported construction safety management

Howard Liljestrand
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.206
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Aquatic chemistry; contaminant transport; pollutant containment and remediation acid deposition; air pollution modeling

Randy Machemehl
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-471-4541, 512-232-3107
Office Location: ECJ 6.902, CTR 200
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Transportation system operational analysis and design software development; transport system demand estimation

Lance Manuel
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.718
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Random vibration; structural dynamics; structural reliability; atmospheric inflow turbulence simulation for wind turbine loads analysis; computational methods for windstorm field generation; performance of deepwater offshore platforms; probabilistic seismic hazard analysis

Pawel Misztal
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.428
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Areas of Impact
Bioengineering and Health
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Indoor chemistry and implications on indoor air quality and occupants' health

Areas of Impact
Artificial Intelligence and Information Engineering
Bioengineering and Health
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Optimization and artificial intelligence in power grids; Electrified transportation systems, smart buildings, and smart cities; Modeling implications of transitioning to a low-carbon energy economy

Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Understanding of the Earth system and the dynamic role of coupled land surface processes on regional hydroclimatic and environmental extremes; translating the scientific work undertaken into decision tools and portals with a focus on sustainable climate-ready/resilient coastal, cities and agricultural systems

Atila Novoselac
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.422
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Ventilation and indoor air quality; computations and measurements of airflows in buildings; pollutants transport modeling; building energy analysis

William O'Brien
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.430
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Production systems: project supply chain management, project controls; computer integrated construction: information integration, collaborative systems, human-computer interaction, implementation issues

James O'Connor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.2
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Manufacturing and Materials
Research Interests
Project constructability; advanced construction technologies; pre-construction management systems; project decision/risk analysis; systems for work process integration; benchmarking of capital projects; value management processes

Othman Oudghiri-Idrissi
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.706
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Research Interests
In-space Assembly and Manufacturing, Lunar Infrastructure, Wave Mechanics, Homogenization, Inverse Problems

Paola Passalacqua
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.612
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Multi-scale analysis of hydrological processes; dynamics of environmental transport on river networks and deltaic systems; quantitative analysis and modeling of landscape forming processes, geomorphic transport laws and subgrid-scale parameterization.

Jorge Prozzi
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 6.112
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Highway pavement design and rehabilitation; monitoring, evaluation and performance analysis of highway pavements; asphalt technology; accelerated pavement testing; sustainable pavement engineering; environmentally-friendly pavement technologies; applied probability and statistics; applied econometrics; life-cycle cost analysis; transportation infrastructure management

Ellen Rathje
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227C
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Geotechnical earthquake engineering and engineering seismology; seismic stability of earth structures and slopes; earthquake-induced landslides; seismic site response; field liquefaction evaluation and soil improvement; application of remote sensing to earthquake damage assessment

Christopher Rausch
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 5.428
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Research Interests
Industrialized construction; modular construction; geometric digital twins; digitization; building information modeling; computational design; circular economy; materials reuse.

Salvatore Salamone
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-232-3427, 512-232-4464
Office Location: ECJ 4.710
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Structural health monitoring; non-destructive evaluation; ultrasonic sensing methods for smart structures; wave propagation in solids; digital signal processing and pattern recognition

Navid Saleh
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.608
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Areas of Impact
Manufacturing and Materials
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Environmental nanotechnology; physicochemical processes; fate and transport of nanomaterials in the environment; groundwater remediation

Alexandra Clará Saracho
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227F
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Biogeotechnics; erosion of soils; carbon capture and storage; 3D printing in geotechnical engineering; thermal properties of soils; laboratory testing of soils; biotechnology

Polina Sela
Associate Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.208
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Water resources systems management; cyber-physical urban systems

Gerald Speitel
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 10.326
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Treatment processes for hazardous organic chemicals, including biodegradation and adsorption; drinking water treatment; computer models of treatment processes

Kenneth Stokoe
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics; non-destructive testing of pavements, soils and structures; offshore geotechnical engineering

Charles Werth
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 8.206
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Research Interests
Reactive transport and fate of pollutants in water resources, including groundwater and urban lakes and the development of sustainable technologies for pollution removal from impacted waters

Eric Williamson
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
512-475-6175, 512-471-4594
Office Location: ECJ 4.722, PRC 177
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Areas of Impact
Computational Engineering/Science
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Response of structures to blast and impact; progressive collapse; structural response modelling and simulation; static and dynamic stability; failure modeling; damage mechanics

Sharon Wood
Executive Vice President and Provost and Professor (not currently teaching)
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 10.310, PRC 177
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Areas of Impact
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Design and behavior of reinforced concrete structures; infrastructure monitoring; earthquake engineering

Yunlan (Emma) Zhang
Assistant Professor
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 4.732
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Areas of Impact
Bioengineering and Health
Manufacturing and Materials
Research Interests
Architected materials (mechanical metamaterials), deployable structures, extraterrestrial structures and materials, bio-inspired materials, additive manufacturing, and shape morphing structures.

Jorge Zornberg
Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Office Location: ECJ 9.227A
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Areas of Impact
Energy and Environment
Transportation and Infrastructure
Research Interests
Soil mechanics; soil reinforcement and improvement; environmental geotechnics; geosynthetics; numerical and physical (centrifuge) modeling of geotechnical and geoenvironmental systems