Fall Kick-Off
The transition from high school to college can be overwhelming for incoming students, often leaving them feeling disoriented and disconnected without a sense of community. To mitigate these challenges, our Women in Engineering Program kicks off the beginning of the fall semester with a welcome event intended to generate a sense of community. The welcome event significantly impacts students' transition into college by fostering a sense of belonging, enhancing student engagement and facilitating successful academic and social integration.
Women in Second Year of Engineering (WISE)
While many college programs are geared towards supporting the acclamation of first-year students into college, the Women in Second Year of Engineering is geared towards professional development initiatives tailored to engineering students. WISE offers invaluable opportunities for career exploration, personal growth, and a continuation of the creation of a sense of community.
Led by 5 upperclassmen, WISE develops a comprehensive college experience and prepares students for the professional world (in industry, research or furthering their academic career). By providing opportunities for career exploration and networking, WISE helps empower students to realize their full potential by building community with fellow engineering students.
PEER Program
The PEER Program is designed to provide first-year engineering students with mentorship and support as they navigate their first year. Students are paired with a mentor in their major who they meet with regularly each month throughout the academic year. Mentors provide students with guidance and resources their mentees need during their transitional first year of college. Since entering college can be overwhelming, especially in a large college like UT Austin, it is important that students have a program and space that they can turn to for community and support.
Gone to Engineering
Gone to Engineering is the largest first-year and transfer student welcome event hosted by the Cockrell School of Engineering and is part of the greater Gone to Texas welcome event at UT Austin. Gone to Engineering is an integral part of introducing new students to involvement opportunities and culture at the Cockrell School.
Engineering Student Organizations
The Engineering Student Life (ESL) office was established in 1999 at the request of student leaders. Student Organizations have existed since the inception of Texas Engineering in the 1880s, but the school’s official governing body, the Student Engineering Council (SEC), was not established until 1952.
Engineering Student Life currently oversees and advises 70 engineering student organizations and manages on-campus finances amounting to an estimated 1.5-2 million dollars. Engineering student organizations serve as the heartbeat of the Cockrell School and exist as collaborative hubs where students can make friends, learn, and gather in the community.
Partner With Us
Individuals, companies, and other organizations can partner with us in several ways, from supporting student programs to mentoring our students to hosting events. For details or to start a conversation, contact Executive Director Courtney McElroy at