The modality of your course will strongly influence the technology, testing, and transformation strategies you employ. Resources have been curated to assist you with the major approaches. There are four general modes you can use to teach your course, web-enhanced, hybrid/blended, two-way interactive and online.
Traditional campus-based course where the instructor and the students are in the same physical location at the same time, but interact largely via the web or other electronic means.
Hybrid/Blended Class
A hybrid class utilizes both online and in-person experiences. A hybrid class is one designed for the instructor and students to meet in person part of the time and online other times.
Two-Way Interactive
Students gather to view a lesson presented via Internet or other media. The students and instructor can interact with each other instantly although they are in different physical locations.
An online class is a class designed from the ground up assuming that all students will attend the main class experience online. Material in these classes may be presented synchronously or asynchronously.